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Writer's pictureJeff South

Cincinnati Chili: Ripe


It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of the termination of the Cincinnati Chili project. As you all know this was as an innovative, cutting-edge attempt to transform the work we do around alien containment and portal security. Our recent endeavors to integrate potential high-performers into our ranks did not meet with our usual best-in-class results. I still believe there is work to be done here. We can create a team of individuals who will be able to dynamically actualize our aggressive and forward-thinking vision for interdimensional portal security. One possible option is for us to revisit the intern program. It certainly has value in maintaining our strict budgetary constraints. More to come on that.

Meanwhile, I have regretfully, but respectfully accepted the resignation of Dr. Reggie Marsh and I thank her for the expertise and goal-oriented approach to our process-centric deliverables. She will be missed. We will create a requisition for her open position soon and cascade that announcement out to the larger team. In the meantime, we will focus on what is in front of us. I know each of you has dynamic ideas that can shape where we go in the near future and years to come. I believe that future is ripe for the picking. Thank you for all you do.

On a side note, our most recent candidate, Grover Cleveland Alexander, remains unaccounted for. We are working with local authorities, so if you have any pertinent information, please forward that to me ASAP.

As always, please remember this is all proprietary and adhere to your signed non-disclosure agreements.


Max Gentry

Chief Human Capital Strategist


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